So the aforementioned PCB arrived back, have assembled.
I had to play with resistor values and so on, but now I have a circuit that will pump 500mA through the device under test. There is a x100 amplifier which boosts up the voltage developed across the DUT to a suitable voltage for an Arduino 10 bit ADC to convert.
So, a 100milli ohm resistor will develop a full scale reading. I'm going to have to add a range switch to lower the current if I want to measure bigger resistors than that. But then we have multimeters that can go down to a few hundred milli ohms in general.
In general, quite pleased so far. I am going to assemble this into a bench power supply which happens to have one of my old boards that can read switches, write data to a flourescent display (which is only 30 years old). I am also going to float the power supply ground so we don't liberate magic smoke from things when I am using it.
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