So last year I bought a minibrute ... made it kind of work. I did some more work on it recently - replaced the big connector between the analogue and digital boards. That helped enormously with the stability, and functions working. There were a couple of bits left over - the pitch bend didn't work, the LFO doesn't seem to do anything and the aftertouch was flaky.
I just spent a happy couple of hours sorting out the aftertouch and the pitch bend, and I have now worked out that the issue with the LFO is the waveform selection switch - which is completely open circuit. There is a Mouser part (Alpha?) that seems to measure up to fit, so I will be ordering one in the near future. In the meantime I just wired across the switch to give a sine wave LFO waveform - and now, things are a whole lot better.
I've done a knob job on it - the sliders were looking very tatty, and I paid a silly amount of money for some replacement rotary knobs. So now it looks like this ...